5 September 2024
We spoke to Jenny Brown, Chair of Longhurst Group and conference chair for Audit and Risk 2024. We asked Jenny how housing associations should try and navigate a radically different landscape for audit and risk.
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Jenny Brown
Jenny Brown is Chair at Longhurst Group and our conference chair for 2024
Jenny is a governance and EDI specialist working both as a governance consultant and as a learning and development facilitator focussing on EDI and behaviours. She is passionate about bringing these two worlds together to create better organisations who can have a greater impact on more people. Jenny has worked on and with boards for many years and is currently Chair at Longhurst Group.
Her work includes the Social Housing sector through her part time role as a Governance Director at Altair and with a broad range of national and multinational organisations through associate roles elsewhere. She is a Coach, Coach Supervisor and Mentor to a wide range of people including Executives, Non-Executives all the way through to those at the beginnings of their careers. Jenny led on Altair’s input into the NHF Chair’s Challenge and Inclusive recruitment guide and is currently in discussion on an update.